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CSV upload issues

Some common errors with CSV's

Grant Dewar avatar
Written by Grant Dewar
Updated over 11 months ago

CSV's are actually imported as a string or list of data, and there are a few things that can cause the data to mess up. If you are experiencing problems uploading a CSV try these checks:

1. Spaces after text

This solves 90% of CSV issues. Sometimes when you copy and paste in an email / name, you copy in a "Space" before or after the text.  You can tell as when you click on a cell it shows a space between the last character and the cursor:

CSV's read this as an error especially if exporting from Excel (thanks Microsoft).


2. Spaces in text

As above, look for any emails that may have a space in the text such as:
test instead of [email protected]

3. Odd characters

Some of these get through, some don't - worth removing if steps 1 & 2 don't seem to work.  Characters that can cause isses are:

  • ' as in Mc'Farlene

  • Punctuation as in , " > $ }

4. Make sure is CSV

Some programs have different exports - make sure you select:

Not any of these other formats

5. Make sure your email addresses are email addresses

Sometimes typos can be carried through into your csv. So for example an email address might end in: @gmail.con instead of This will be registered by the system and prevent successful upload

6. Make sure you haven't changed the column titles 

The titles need to read exactly as they appear in the csv template you downloaded from the site for our system to correctly upload and interpret the data.

7. If you are using Numbers to create your CSV

After you edit your CSV file in Numbers, export your file to CSV format. Make sure that "Include table names" are unchecked.

Which should make your CSV look like this:

8. Send us your CSV

If you've done these and still an issue, send us through the CSV and we'll check it out for you:)

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