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All of our Zapier Triggers & Variables (Part 3)
All of our Zapier Triggers & Variables (Part 3)

A list of the Triggers and Variables we offer via Zapier and how they can be used to create totally custom workflows for the pro's

Grant Dewar avatar
Written by Grant Dewar
Updated over 6 years ago

Zapier is a fantastic platform to connect over 1000 services together if no direct integrations available, or to create highly custom integrations that are not offered.

The Bonjoro Zapier integration offers more custom settings than some of our native integrations.  It also connects to many CRM's, Mailing Lists and other platforms that we have yet to build direct integrations for. This is a list of some of the things  you can do with our Zapier integration sorted into Triggers, and Actions.

Part 1: Triggers - What they are and how to use them

A Trigger is the thing that happens in Bonjoro, which will cause something to be affected in your CRM / Mailing list / App. Scroll down for when and where to use each.

  • Bonjoro Sent - Use this to add "Bonjoro sent" tags or notes to customers in your database when that customer is sent a Bonjoro.  Use to segment users and measure the impact of your Bonjoros on conversations and conversions. You can also create a leaderboard for the most Bonjoros sent from your team

  • Bonjoro Watched - Probably the most important of our triggers - use this to add tags / notes to customers who have viewed a Bonjoro. When used in conjunction with the Bonjoro Sent tag, you can sort customers into groups if they have / have not engaged with your Bonjoros, or you can even build custom resends for unwatched messages (read how here)

  • Bonjoro Reaction - When a customer clicks the "Thanks" button on a Bonjoro. Use to share the Bonjoro that got thanked, along with the team member who sent it into a "Customer Feedback" channel in your Slack (read how here)

  • Bonjoro Call to Action Clicked - Triggered when someone clicks your Call To Action (button) on their Bonjoro. Use this to move customers between lists depending on their level of engagement. 

  • Bonjoro Shared - Use to detect users with Social influence and track where word of mouth is generating signups. You can also do crazy complex things such as tweet back to someone automatically when they tweet a bonjoro (get in touch if you want to know how). 

  • Bonjoro Bounced - Use to flag customers who's email addresses may be wrong in your database. You can even trigger a message sent to that user through other mediums or to other emails they may have to ask if that Email is correct.

  • Bonjoro Assigned - Triggered when a Bonjoro is re-assigned to a different team member. Use to track results of different team members in your CRM. 

  • Bonjoro Created - Use with sent to measure % customers Bonjoros are sent to.

  • Bonjoro Email Opened - Use for drip campaigns when a user opens a Bonjoro

  • Bonjoro Dismissed - Add dismissed customers to a non-sent / non-priority list


Above are just a few ways Bonjoro can be used to trigger an action. When you connect your "Action" app you'll see that you then have a list of Actions you can take on your chosen platform. 

For example Intercom's possible Actions are:

Your specific app / CRM / Mailinglist / Database will have its own variables of what you can do. With the example above it means that when a Bonjoro is "Sent" I could:

  • Create new user

  • Add a note to a user

  • Add an event

  • Update a user

  • Add a tag

  • Or I could use that event to search for that user the Bonjoro was sent to and perform something totally different.


Once you select your Action, you'll be presented with a bunch of things you can then do around that Action.  For instance, if I selected "Create / Update User" I then find I have lots more options - many of which have a little + button at the end:

If I click that, I'm given an EVEN BIGGER list of events and information from the Bonjoro platform that I can add to that user:

What this means is that I can add any of the above information to that user in my app (in this case intercom). A simple example is with the above I will add the "Bonjoro URL" attribute to a user in my Intercom account, when that user is Sent a Bonjoro.

Now when i look at that customer in my intercom account, attached is the URL of the Bonjoro message I sent them, which I can open from Intercom and I never have to go into Bonjoro.

CONFUSED? Thats ok, it takes a while to get your head around - see this example for Slack. And it can always get more confusing when you start playing with Multiple triggers and actions but i'll come back to that later:)

I won't explain all the variables Above, most are self explanatory but play around with them - and if you get stuck, reach out, we are wizards at Zapier:)

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