As a premium integration we are built inside ActiveCampaign's Automation builder.
Using our direct integration with ActiveCampaign you can add a Bonjoro task step anywhere in your AC automations. Just hit the '+' icon to add a new automation step and find us in the 'CX Apps' section - offering great flexibility and making sure you send the perfect video at the perfect time.
For a step by step walkthrough - see the video below to connect your AC (ActiveCampaign) with Bonjoro, it's super easy!ย
Aaaaand that's it! If you get stuck at any point, hit that chat button on the bottom right-hand corner and chat with our awesome support team. :)ย
To see how to use video interaction like views, replies etc to apply tags or as triggers in your Activecampaign automations check our out ActiveCampaign Custom Objects App